Tuesday, November 07, 2006

HDFC Cooperatives Fuel Discount Program 2006-2007

From: Reysmont 12:10 pm
To: ALL (1 of 1) 773.1

HDFC Cooperatives Fuel Discount Program 2006-2007

Citizens Energy/CITGO Petroleum are offering a fuel discount program for HDFC cooperatives and not-for-profit HDFC Rentals.

Attached are the requirements of the program to be reviewed to determine if your HDFC cooperative is elegible to take advantage of this opportunity to save in your fuel cost for the current heating season.

This program is limited so the earlier your HDFC determines elegibility and applies the better chances it will have to participate and save.


J. Reyes-Montblanc
Grey Wolf-6

- Attachments follow -

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